hair transplant-1

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What factors affect the health and beauty of hair?
Having beautiful hair has a great impact on self-confidence. Unfortunately, over time and due to various factors such as heredity, hormonal disorders, stress, improper nutrition, modern lifestyle, chemotherapy, constant use of conditioners that have high heat such as hair irons and hair dryers, etc., gradually weaken the follicles. hair and as a result hair loss. However, having thick and healthy hair is no longer a wish for people who suffer from hair loss. Today, hair transplantation is known as one of the practical beauty procedures in the world. In Ava specialized clinic, hair transplant is done as a guarantee, and this guarantee shows the power and high experience of the professional transplant team of Ava clinic.
To what extent is daily hair loss normal?
Daily hair loss is a natural process. Every adult loses 50-100 hairs every day. As hair strands are replaced, hair density also remains constant. Hair loss seems scary when the number of daily shedding increases and the density of hair decreases. If you are experiencing severe hair loss, contact the clinic consultants as soon as possible.
Introducing the structure of human hair
The structure of hair consists of stem and follicle. The hormones produced by the blood vessels in the hair bulb affect the structure and growth of the hair. Hair growth stages are divided into three parts:
Growth stage or anagen: hair bulb cells multiply in this stage, which causes hair growth and thickness.
Catagen stage: In this stage, which lasts one to three weeks, the hair bulb is ready to rest after active growth. In this stage, the diameter of the hair follicles decreases.
Shedding stage or telogen: In this stage, which lasts for three to four months, the hair follicle is completely inactive and the growth of the hair shaft stops. As a result, at this stage, 75 to 100 strands of hair are shed daily and the ground is provided for the growth of new hair.

How to prevent hair loss?
In most cases, the problem of hair loss will be solved by visiting a doctor specializing in skin, hair and nutrition, taking the necessary vitamins and changing the diet.
If hair loss treatment is not effective, natural hair transplant is the only definitive method of hair loss treatment.
Hair transplantation is so simple that it does not even require anesthesia and hospitalization and can be done on an outpatient basis at Ava Beauty Clinic. In order to perform the hair transplant procedure, the applicant’s natural hair is used. But these transplantable hairs are used from specific parts of the applicant’s head. The best option for hair transplant is a part of the hair behind the head between the two ears; The reason for this is that the hair in this area is not affected by male hormones, and the interesting thing is that these hairs take their special characteristics with them to different parts of the head and will no longer fall out.
hair bank
The part of the head that is a very suitable source for hair transplantation and hair grafts are provided from there is called the hair bank. Due to the resistance of the hair on the back of the head against environmental and hormonal factors, the best hair bank is located in this area. If you look carefully, this part of the head does not fall in most people of different ages, even old age. Due to ideal hair density, the back of the head has suitable grafts for hair transplantation. The meaning of ideal density is that there are 50 to 100 natural follicle units in the back of the head per square centimeter.
What parts does hair consist of?

Hair consists of hair shaft and hair follicle or hair bulb. The openings on the surface of the head are made up of one hair or several hairs, which are called hair grafts or hair follicular units. The hair bank depends on the one to five strands in each hair graft.
Factors that are important in hair transplantation
• Having a family history of baldness in the person
• Age
• The degree of baldness of the person, as well as the quality of the hair and skin on the back of the head
• The person’s health status
• Attention to the patient’s mental state
The most important thing is to convince the person applying for hair transplantation that his expectation of the result of transplantation is proportional to the amount of baldness and the quality of his hair bank; Otherwise, he will definitely be unhappy with the result of the work and will suffer a lot mentally.
Types of hair transplant methods
All types of hair transplant methods consist of three main parts: harvesting, preparation and planting.
FUT hair transplant (microsurgery)
The FUT hair transplant method or strip method has a longer history than other hair transplant methods, which includes three main stages: In the first stage, the follicular units are separated from the hair bank area by creating a strip cut. In the second step, the grafts are prepared to be placed in the expected area. In the last stage, which is also called the planting stage, grafts are placed in the desired area. The duration of this operation will be between 4 and 6 hours. The recovery period of this operation will be two weeks, and after this period, you will most likely experience hair loss for up to two months, which is the reason for the shock that has been inflicted on the hair follicles, and the growth of the transplanted hair will begin from the beginning of the third month.

FIT hair transplant (non-surgical)
The Fit method is much more popular than the FUT method today. This method, like the FUT method, consists of three stages: harvesting, preparation and planting. The difference between this method and the previous method is that in the FIT method, after making very small holes using standard blades, the follicles in the hair bank are extracted. This is done thousands of times to extract the grafts, and for this reason, this method is It is very time consuming in other ways. This method has far fewer side effects than the FUT method, has a shorter recovery period, and in this method, the surgeon can also remove hairs with less thickness.
Hair transplantation with a combined method
From the name of this method, you can understand that this method is a combination of FIT and FUT methods. This method is suitable for people who have baldness in a wide area of the head, as a result, they need more grafts to achieve proper hair density. This surgery takes 8 to 10 hours. The advantages of this method are achieving the highest possible density in just one session.
Hair transplant using body hair
This hair transplant method is suitable for people who do not have suitable head hair to donate and are forced to use follicles from parts of the body that have thicker hair. Usually, beard hair follicles (under the chin) or chest hair are used for transplantation in this method.
Which of the hair transplant methods is more suitable?

Specialist doctors at Ava Beauty Clinic, taking into account things such as age, individual tests, hair bank and bald area, and according to hair transplant methods and the special conditions of each of these methods, determine the right method for hair transplant. For this, you only need to send a few photos of yourself to 09129979394 on WhatsApp to get a free initial consultation.
During the hair transplant procedure
Because hair transplant is safe and outpatient, there is no need to be anesthetized and admitted to the hospital. But due to the delicacy and precision of the hair transplant operation, with the presence of a professional and expert team, this operation takes between 4 and 6 hours. This time is a significant and boring time for the applicant who is completely intelligent and cannot do anything. But don’t worry. At Ava Beauty Clinic, during the hair transplant procedure, the person applying for hair transplant can do activities such as: eating and drinking, watching movies, reading, listening to music and even talking on the phone.
Actions and care after hair transplantation
Timely dressing change
Timely and correct dressing change every few hours to two days after the operation prevents possible infections after the hair transplant operation. Therefore, it is a very important point. In order to facilitate this important action, after removing the net cap from the head and removing the dressing, by spraying a little water on the sterile gauze and soaking it after a few minutes, easily and painlessly remove the dressing from the wound and the desired area. We wash it with saline solution.
Use ice water compress
Considering the postoperative swelling in the forehead area, using an ice compress helps to reduce this swelling. Avoid putting ice directly on the forehead and be sure to wrap the ice in a bag and then in a towel. (keep in mind that if you have sinusitis, it is better to avoid this action)
Performing heavy sports activities
The place of hair transplant should always be kept clean and dry. Due to the fact that performing heavy sports activities causes sweating of the body as well as the hair transplant area; It is better to avoid these activities for one month to 45 days after the operation.

Sleeping properly
The best and most appropriate way to sleep after hair transplant is to place two pillows under the head in an open arch at a 45 degree angle. In other words, the head should be higher than the body.
Makeup and hair coloring
You can comb your hair after a month and only on one side. Considering that the follicles are young and not firmly in place, it is better to avoid dyeing, straightening, curling and blow-drying the hair in the first two months after implantation.
Washing hair after planting
The specialist doctors of Ava Beauty Clinic will prescribe you a suitable shampoo that does not contain acidic or alkaline substances to eliminate the initial complications. Using these shampoos twice a day along with special sponges for hair transplantation will remove scabies, infections and fats on the skin, as well as the strength of young follicles. After a month, you can use your own suitable shampoo.
Avoiding smoking and alcohol
Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption one week before and one week after the hair transplant procedure; Because the use of these substances leads to blood coagulation and, as a result, delay in the healing process.
It is better to avoid wearing a hat for at least a week after the implantation procedure; Because the cap may cause the young follicles to move out of their place and thus prevent the growth of new hair.

When can we start washing hair after hair transplantation?
You can start washing your head from the second day after hair transplantation. You can do this by spraying a mixture of washing serum and a few drops of shampoo on the head, or by using foam to wash the plant and finally sprinkling it. On the fourth day, you can put the foam on the head using a sponge and remove it (avoid pulling the sponge on the head). It is forbidden to use a direct shower until 21 days after hair transplantation.
What materials can be used to remove the dryness of the scalp after hair transplantation?
You can use a small amount of bitter almond oil or vitamin E oil spray on the transplanted areas to remove the dryness of the scalp after hair transplantation. Also, using serum on the implant site every 3 or 4 hours helps to keep the implanted hair moist.
What is the best age for hair transplantation?
The end of 27 years old can be the right age for hair transplant; But in cases where due to various reasons including heredity, people experience hair loss and baldness under the age of 25 and lose their self-confidence over time. In these cases, it is enough to take a few photos of your head from different angles and send them to the number 09129979394 to receive expert advice.
Nutrition after hair transplantation
Foods that speed up the healing process:
• Taking vitamin B6 tablets, iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, zinc
• Due to the abundance of calcium, the consumption of dairy products strengthens the follicles in the scalp.
• Consumption of vegetables such as: broccoli, potatoes, tomatoes and spinach
• Consuming fatty fish strengthens young follicles due to its high omega-3 content.
• Nuts and legumes
• Drink plenty of water and fluids
Does transplanted hair fall out?
Normally, the first 5 weeks after hair transplant, we will have the shock of hair loss, which is different for different people. This loss is nothing to worry about and does not indicate permanent hair damage; Rather, this temporary and inevitable process is part of the natural process of hair restoration. Due to the different growth of new hair in different people; But it takes about 2 years for the hair to grow naturally and the volume and thickness of the hair to increase.
Complications of hair transplant surgery
Due to the inevitable side effects of any cosmetic procedure, it is better to be aware of its possible side effects before any cosmetic procedure. These side effects in hair transplant are far less than other beauty procedures. You can reduce the possible complications of this procedure by visiting Ava’s specialized beauty clinic. Swelling or redness of the scalp after cosmetic surgery are part of the natural side effects of this procedure

And there is no need to worry and they will disappear after a short time. Serious and dangerous side effects of hair transplant surgery are complications that arise due to the inappropriateness of the materials and methods used for the body of the person applying for hair transplant or the lack of skill of the surgeon, and they will cause irreparable problems for you.
Therefore, we can conclude that the more expertise and skill the hair transplant surgeon has in hair transplant and the more up-to-date and efficient the beauty clinic has facilities and equipment; Possible complications are less likely. Ava Beauty Clinic with its expert, experienced and professional staff is one of the best hair transplant clinics in Iran, and by using the most appropriate and up-to-date facilities and methods, it has made hair transplant a very simple matter that even the natural complications of this procedure such as swelling and Redness is much less than other clinics and we have not had a single case of complaint or dissatisfaction until today.

The right point for the forehead hairline
The whole procedure of hair transplantation will proceed based on the forehead hair growth line and the most important points that must be paid special attention to before hair transplantation. Improper choice of forehead hair growth line will lead to artificial implantation and ultimately dissatisfaction of the person applying for implantation. At Ava Clinic, this step is only performed by a doctor because it is affected by various factors, including the type of hair, the number of follicles, the natural curvature of the forehead hairline, and the angle of implantation. The surgeons of Ava Clinic determine the appropriate point for the forehead hair growth line according to the mentioned factors.
Should the hair growth line be proportional to the person’s face?
It can definitely be said that the hair growth line should match the face shape of the applicant. Specialist doctors at Ava Beauty Clinic, by mastering the aesthetic rules, design the growth line suitable for the specific characteristics of the applicant. The best pattern for hairline is usually their hairline before shedding. However, considering the age factor of people and the differences that arise in the length of time in the hair growth line, choosing the growth line on this basis is not very reliable, and for this reason, only doctors do this in Eva Clinic.
What points should be considered in finding the hairline?
• The age of the person applying for implantation
• Consider the appropriate distance between the eyebrows and the hairline.
• The surgeon should be familiar with the aesthetic rules.
• The use of double or single grafts for hair growth line implantation is effective in the naturalness of the growth line.
• It is better not to design the growth line in a linear and very regular manner to avoid creating an unnatural growth line.

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